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Fótboltabullur (2 álit)

í Húmor fyrir 21 árum, 10 mánuðum
A man had great tickets for the FA cup final. As he sits down, another man comes down and asks if anyone is sitting in the seat next to him. “No,” he says. “The seat is empty.” “This is incredible!” said the man. “Who in their right mind would have a seat like this for the cup final, the biggest sporting event in Britain, and not use it?” He says, “Well, actually, the seat belongs to me. My wife was supposed to come with me, but she passed away. This is the first Cup Final we haven't been to...
Hugi notar vefkökur til að bæta notendaupplifun á vefsíðunni og greina umferð um hana. Einnig hefur Hugi uppfært persónuverndarstefnu sína. Skoðaðu stefnuna hér..